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Zapier Example: Complete project stage based on external CRM status update
Zapier Example: Complete project stage based on external CRM status update

Walkthrough for updating the PortalCX stage with Zapier.

Austin Miller avatar
Written by Austin Miller
Updated over a week ago


This is the next step in the implementation process for Integrating PortalCX with Zapier. This walkthrough will show you how to update the stages in PortalCX using Google Sheets and Zapier.  Our first step is going to be creating a Webhook. If you don't know what that is or would like to learn more about how it works please check out how to create a Webhook in our Creating a Portal article. This also explains how to create the webhook so you should be able to create one moving forward. You will need to know everything contained in the Creating a Portal article to proceed with updating the Portal stage. 

Webhook/Google Sheets

Now that we have created and tested our Webhook, we are going to implement a step taken in the article mentioned. In this step, we saved an Account Id and a Portal Id to a Google Sheet spreadsheet, and now we are going to look up a spreadsheet row in Google Sheets. Go ahead and add the next action using the plus sign and search for Google Sheets. Instead of creating a row this time, we are going to look up a row and the data it contains. Find "Lookup Spreadsheet Row" from the dropdown and continue. Then sign into your Google account that contains the spreadsheet we created.

The next step has seven options but we are only going to use three of them, the first being the lookup column we want. We will be looking for the AccountId this time so you can select it from the dropdown. Next, we are looking for the value, which will we get from the webhook that we created in the last step. Search for "account id" in the dropdown and be sure to select the one that says "Account Id" and not "Possible... Account Id", it will resemble the example below. The next 3 options we can actually leave blank as we will not be needing them for this. The last box "Should this step be considered a 'success' when nothing is found?", needs to be No in order to move on to the next step otherwise it will cause issues with the other steps. The check mark needs to be left unchecked as well.

First, test then continue unless it doesn't pass. In this case, you will need to go back to each step and make sure that it was done correctly and tested. Up to this point, you should have a pretty good understanding of what's going on and shouldn't have any failing tests. If there are issues please read our Creating a Portal article. Add another step using the plus sign and search for Paths by Zapier. After adding, click the 3 dots next to Steps A and B and rename them to Solar and Home Service. Refer to the example below if you have questions. 

If you read our Creating a Portal article, you'll know that Solar and Home Services have the same steps. If you go into our Solar Path you'll see our Path rules which like in the other article will be "Only continue if…" deal type exactly matches Solar. Our Webhook should help this pass testing.

The next steps get pretty complicated so if you're not comfortable with Paths by Zapier, please refer to our previous article and maybe even practice with a few fake Zaps. Add and search for Paths as our next steps. Yeah, a path within a path, Pathception. I told ya things are gonna get complicated. Start by changing the name of the top Path to "Not Install Scheduled, Install Complete or PTO" then enter into the step by clicking on the name. Our "Only continue if…" will be different this time. In the first box search for "account status completed" and instead of exactly matches we are going to do "(Text) Does not contain" and our final box type "Install Scheduled". The next two rows will be the same except the final box will be "Install Complete" and "PTO".

We will be adding one more Path, so go ahead and click the plus sign and search for Paths by Zapier. You can also rename the Paths to "Site Survey", "NTP", "Design", and "Permitting" since all of the Paths will have the same steps. Let's start with Site Survey at the top by changing the "Only continue if..." boxes to "account status completed", "contains", and "Site Survey".

The Last step for this Path will be adding PortalCX, so click the plus sign and search for it. We will want to choose "Complete a Portal Stage" from the dropdown and continue through with the sign-in. Next, we need to search for "portalid" in the top box and make sure to select the Google Sheets option. The second box will need to be typed exactly "Site Survey", minus the quotation marks, to work correctly. You can skip the third box and in the last box, search for "status update date" and select the one that most resembles a date. Continue with testing and then repeat for NTP, Design, and Permitting, only changing the Path Rules Only continue if... third box and the PortalCX "Stage Label" second box. Refer to the example below and above if unsure.

Stepping back out to our Paths that have "Not Install Scheduled, Install Complete or PTO", we will add three more Paths that will have identical steps only changing the rules and labels like above. Change their names to "Install Scheduled", "Install Complete", and "PTO".

Starting with Install Scheduled, let's change the Path Rules to "Account Status Completed", "Exactly Matches", and "Install Scheduled". Refer to the examples below if you are unsure.

The last step here is to add PortalCX and sign in. Once you have done that just fill in the Portal Id, Stage Label, and Date Completed boxes like above only changing the label to "Installation Scheduled". Now just do the same with Install Complete and PTO, also changing the label to "Installation Complete" and "You're Powered On!" Don't forget that you need to do the exact same thing for Home Service too.

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